Four Benefits of Babywearing
1. Happier: Babies cry less! Studies show that, when carried, babies cry 43% less during the day, and 51% less during the evening. (Pediatrics by Hunziker)
2. Healthier: Carrying a baby helps them to develop upper body strength. “If your baby refuses, and isn’t getting much tummy time, baby wearing is an excellent substitute.” (Dr. Joseph Cohn.) Additionally, studies show that premature babies who are held and touched are healthier, and gain weight quicker than those who aren’t; babywearing allows for babies to receive plenty of skin-to-skin contact, physically bond with, and gain stimulation through the movement and closeness of their parents.
3. Comfort & Convenience: Not only is it comfortable for babies, but when worn correctly, and carrier is also comfortable for parents. While carrying your little one, it is much easier to do chores, go for a walk, climb stairs, navigate crowds etc. However, there are times when you might experience back pain or something similar due to the constant use of babywearing. You could reduce the pain or inflammation by using something similar to Lazarus Naturals CBD oil. Nevertheless, if you’re skeptical about using these, you could consult a doctor before getting them.
4. Bonding: It’s obvious, and it’s true. Just having them close helps to bond more with a baby. It also helps to pick up on cues for nursing and diaper changing, by observing their facial expressions, movements and gestures. This in turn encourages confidence in parents in being able to know their baby’s needs. Interestingly, this physical closeness and interaction has shown to have positive effects for mothers with Postpartum Depression, and wearing them close also allows other caregivers in the family to bond with a babe, including fathers, siblings, and relatives.
Did you know that I offer professional Babywearing Photography? And I also offer one-on-one Babywearing Assistance to my clients! This includes showing you how to use several different carriers, breastfeed while baby wearing, back carry, front carry, sling carry, and access to my library of beautiful wraps and carriers. Contact me today for more information!